The WRO is structured by means of five levels of membership. (please click on the graphic to the right to visit the membership level)
Currently the WRO has twenty-one members, which span across five membership levels
- Level one members include the Australasian Road Rescue Organisation (ARRO) , the United Kingdom Rescue Organisation (UKRO), the Asociacion Profesional de Rescate en Accidentes de Trafico (APRAT), Rescue Organisation Ireland (ROI), Vereinigung zur Forderung des deutschen Unfallrettungswesens (VFDU), North American Vehicle Rescue Association (NAVRA), South African Medical Rescue Organisation (SAMRO), Associacao Nacional de Salvamento e Desencarceramentoand (ANSD), Associacao Brasileria de Resgate el Salvamento (ABRES) and Serviciul Mobil de Urgenta Reanimaresi descarcerare (SMURD), Federation Sapeurs Pompiers De France (FNSPF), Luxemburg Rescue Organisation (LRO)
- Level two members are, Ghana National Fire Service and Asociacion paraguaya de Rescate Vehicular (APR)
- Level three members are the , Transportation Emergency Rescue Committee USA/Canada (TERC USA & Canada), Moldova, Czech Association of Fire Officers (CAFO), Asociacion Colombiana de Rescate Vehicular (ACRV), Asociacion Peruana de Rescate Vehicular, Rescue Technology Innovation and Consultant Association of Taiwan (RTICAT), Singapore Civil Defence Force (CTIF), Dubai Police, and Dipartimento dei Vigili del Fuoco, del Soccorso Pubblico e Della Difesa Civile Ufficio del Capo del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco (Italy), Croatian Rescue Organisation, Austrian Technical Rescue Organisation (ATRO)
- Level four members are Alberta Vehicle Extrication Association (AVEA), Asociacion Latinoamericana de Rescate Vehicular (ALAREV), Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), and the International Association of Fire and Rescue Services (CTIF)
- Level five Renault Groupe
note :Under review and update
For organisations interested in becoming a member please contact the Secretary to the World Rescue Organisation for further information.