Comprises member organisations that have consistently demonstrated commitment to the development of the WRO and its objectives and that meet the entire Level One criterion (see membership criteria below). Level One member organisations are entitled to nominate four representatives from their organisation to the WRO committee. Level One members will pay an annual subscription fee agreed by the WRO committee.
- Be a constituted National Rescue Organisation which is recognised by the WRO and which follows WRO guidelines.
- Must be self funding and capable of financing the attendance of a minimum of two representatives to WRO meetings at least twice per year.
- Must have run a national rescue challenge for a minimum of four years that demonstrates growth, where that is possible, in numbers and local regions participating.
- Has a range of local, national and international assessors trained to WRO standards.
- Has hosted a World Rescue Challenge
- Has the capability and commitment to participate in WRO projects.
- Demonstrates an ongoing commitment to the WRO and its members