Najbliža zračna luka izazovu je zračna luka Zagreb.

Možete saznati sve detalje o tome kako lako doći do Karlovaca na Visit Karlovac web stranica.

Sve potrebne informacije o lokalnim atrakcijama, taksi služba, rent-a-car, and a lot more are available on the website too.

WRC2025 Croatia – Smještaj & Transport

Dear team members, please fill outAccommodation and Transportsurvey for World Rescue Challenge 2025 Croatia that will take place 09. – 14. rujan 2025. in Karlovac, Hrvatska.

If you have questions please contact: [email protected]

Due date: 1st May 2025.

The hosts are looking at providing the facility for teams to have the use of a Fire Service vehicle. Please complete the form below to use this facility.

Vehicle booking Document and Accommodation register

Please send completed forms to [email protected]